Okay, I didn’t actually think this would happen, but all of a sudden, Immersed has a new cover!
I’m so excited. I love these models and the look on their faces and how well they fit the story. It’s just…awesome. Big thank you to Rachael Renee Anderson for her incredible skills. She’s pretty dang amazing, right? And if I told you how fast she whipped this up, you’d cry in your tea. I know I did. Well, it wasn’t tea because I’m kind of a weirdo and only, only, only ever drink water. But yeah. Cried in my beverage.
Okay, and do you know what I like best? Her hair. Big hair. I am a child of the 80s, when big hair was the only hair. In fact, there’s this picture of me, circa 1989, in a newspaper article for Utah Schools Sterling Scholars in English (that was me, just for my school, I didn’t win for the state, of course. I write fluff.) And my face was about 10% of the center of the rectangle, and my hair took up the rest of the frame. Someday I shall learn how to scan photos and then I will amaze you all with the fluffiness of this future fluff-writer.
What do you think? If you already read the book, does this look like Lisette and Erik?
If you haven’t read the book yet, it’s up and for sale and stuff already. Like, now. And it’s only $2.99. Cheaper than a cup of tea or a large dirty Dr. Pepper. If you drink that stuff. I’m the weird person only drinking water. In the corner. By myself. With the big hair.