Coming Soon: Cover Reveal for Book 4 (and a Side Bonus)

Book 4 of the Legally in Love Series is nearly nearly nearly done! Final editing passes and a few book-launch prep details remain. I’m getting so excited. Along with that, books 1-3 are getting facelifts, too. I’m working with my designer on them this week–and possibly a Book 5, if we can get the right photography to fit the story.

There’s so much that goes into preparing a book for publication–far more than just whacking out a story onto paper.

That said, I had a remarkably productive March/April/May when it comes to whacking out stories. Under the influence of my children’s (they’re so darling and wonderful) prayers, I was able to complete SIX novels and novellas this spring. Two of them are really close to publication. Three still need shaking out, and one might just be for my family’s enjoyment (a children’s chapter book.)

After a year where I put all my writing on hold for family events and needs, it’s been fantastic to get back to my keyboard and sink back into the stories in my head.

Watch for the new cover soon!


PS– Huge thanks to David Gileadi, Joshua Lyman, and the whole team at DreamHost (my awesome webhosting company) for getting my website back online after late April’s phishing attack that tanked my site. I’m sending you virtual hugs and chocolates!