There’s racism. Ageism. Sexism. Is there “fat-ism?”
Having gone up and down the scale through five pregnancies, it’s been something not unfamiliar to me. So I ask: do we in our culture take people less seriously if they are overweight? What kind of self-esteem issues do our young people (as well as adults) have when their weight falls outside the norm? Does the government’s standard “BMI” represent what is true ideal weight or are they way off?
Jolly Fish Press has been piece-by-piece releasing clips from the video interview we did in July. In this clip I mention this this and how it comes up in BIG IN JAPAN. Their first press release for the book was entitled, “Fat in America, Big in Japan.” It’s something taboo even to talk about sometimes–except among our similarly-dieting friends.
Jennifer Griffith talks about social issues in Big in Japan
Thoughts? Is “fat” still a bastion of intolerance?