The Value of Critique Partner (today!)
It’s just great to have a critique partner who “gets” your vision for your book. This morning I begged Megan to get over here and help me with the outline of the scenes. I was stumped and stalled and needed a sounding board. She hasn’t read the whole rough draft (and neither have I! Not […]
Scary Fishing!
My publisher Jolly Fish Press posted this on Facebook earlier today: “Within a day of Big in Japan’s first press release, the publicity room is a frenzy. None of us are prepared for such an influx of reviewers requests and their slim deadlines. Why are our ARCs not here yet?” In some ways this is […]

Announcing an Announcement
My publisher put out this press release this morning regarding the release of my upcoming novel BIG IN JAPAN. It’s pretty exciting to be the subject of a press release, especially one that includes my height.
My internal dialogue is asking for gummy candy
I’m craving candy. Ugh! Where are my gummy Vitamin Ds? I love the peach and blackberry flavors. It’s candy but not. And I got sideways permission from my doctor to eat quite a few. He said take 14,000 milligrams per week, and that he takes them all at once so he doesn’t forget. I could […]

Book Review: The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen
My friend Megan has been telling me about her friend Jennifer Nielsen who is this fantastic writer she knew in Utah and who recently got picked up by Scholastic (!) for a three-book middle grade deal. Woo hoo! Kudos to writers who get the Big Deal! Really happy for her! So, I was at the school […]
Signs in the Sky
Sometimes, just when I feel like I’m a lone reed in the pond of life as a person who cares about punctuation, about comma placement, about not using an apostrophe-s to create a plural, et cetera, something happens to check me in that worrisome thought. The other night we were driving home from dinner in […]
Junk Drawer Non-Junk
I have a really lame bookshelf in my kitchen. (I have to have bookshelves in every room.) The shelf itself isn’t lame, but the drawer at the top is. Every time anyone pulls it out, it teeters and almost falls, dumping its contents on the floor. I’m used to it and know to only pull […]

Chocolate Kissed Sugar Cookies
This morning I needed to make about six dozen cookies for Easter for the kids at church. I always dream big when I sign up for volunteer stuff, so I assumed I’d be making darling egg-shaped sugar cookies decorated with pastel frosting and cute Easter sprinkles. Then, this morning, when the moment of action was upon me, […]

Too Early for Boston Baked Beans?
I had to ask myself this morning, is 9:00 a.m. too early for Bush’s Best Boston Baked Beans? And then I opened a can and heated them up in the microwave and ate a bowl of the delicious molasses and brown sugar flavored legumes and said, no. 9:00 a.m. is probably too LATE for them. […]

“I saw this huge nearly-naked man and thought of you.”
The other day on my Facebook author fansite a friend posted that she’d been looking in an online bookstore and found these cute little salt and pepper shakers and thought of me. Many thanks to Diana for seeing nearly naked obese men and thinking of me. I’m flattered! No, really! It brings a smile […]