
Change Your Point of View

Somewhere in one of the songs on my running MP3 there’s a line, “change your point of view.” It might be in “Man in the Mirror.” No, I am not running very fast. And I’m proud of it. Anyway, as I’m prepping for this big rewrite of my NaNo novel, I got an idea about […]

Meridian Magazine -- Latter-day Saints Shaping their World

Meridian Article Posted

Just felt glad to have my article posted in Meridian, an online magazine. It’s my third article for them this year, and it’s pretty exciting. My cool friend Erin McBride has been helping funnel my work onto that site, and I really appreciate her. She’s quite the amazing girl–so accomplished and so well-spoken. Her political […]

Bug Ingestion & Other Healthy Habits for Writers

This morning marks the first scorpion of the spring. Indoor scorpion, that is. Ugh. This came after my morning run when I was zipping along the rural road smelling the fresh mown hay and accidentally ingested a little bug. Delicious. However, the chance to smell the cut alfalfa was worth it. I’d eat two bugs […]

“Writers Unite to Fight Cancer” Writing Contest Opens! Check it Out!

A writing friend of mine has started this fantastic group to help raise funds for cancer research. She’s involving lots of authors and writers, and they’ve started a writing contest this year. It’s legit. Sharpen your pencils and enter! This is a great cause, and a win will look fabulous on a query letter. Go […]

The Value of Critique Partner (today!)

It’s just great to have a critique partner who “gets” your vision for your book. This morning I begged Megan to get over here and help me with the outline of the scenes. I was stumped and stalled and needed a sounding board. She hasn’t read the whole rough draft (and neither have I! Not […]

Scary Fishing!

My publisher Jolly Fish Press posted this on Facebook earlier today: “Within a day of Big in Japan’s first press release, the publicity room is a frenzy. None of us are prepared for such an influx of reviewers requests and their slim deadlines. Why are our ARCs not here yet?” In some ways this is […]

Jolly Fish Press

Announcing an Announcement

My publisher put out this press release this morning regarding the release of my upcoming novel BIG IN JAPAN. It’s pretty exciting to be the subject of a press release, especially one that includes my height. http://jollyfishpress.com/press%20release/fat_in_America_big_in_Japan.html