Free Short Novel: The Cheerleader & The Ghost
Hiya. If you’re wanting to see whether you’ll like my brand of clean romantic comedy, right now I’m offering a free short novel: The Cheerleader & The Ghost. It’s an autumn theme, and it’s young adult romance–with a ghost. Sure, it’s not what I usually write (clean contemporary adult romance), but it’s still my tone […]
Four Cool Things That Happened in 2014
This morning I sat down with my list of goals called “Stuff I Want to Do in 2014.” When I wrote it a year ago, I didn’t realize what kinds of opportunities and adventures would come my way this year. It made me reflect on some of the super cool unexpected things that happened this year […]
November: It’s Not Just About Overgrown Facial Hair
It’s officially underway, the NaNoWriMo challenge. Not all people have heard of this. I mentioned it to my sister, who did say she’d heard of it but thought it was a conference. (It’s okay, Carrie. If I weren’t steeped in this whole writing culture, I wouldn’t know either.) November. It’s not just about not shaving. […]
Strange and Lovely Giveaway!
I love a giveaway. It’s like…getting something for free! Free is such a good price. a Rafflecopter giveaway This is an exciting giveaway because there are a ton of prizes all designed specifically for readers! And best of all, you could win a copy of Strange and Lovely! Enter away, friends. I hope you win!!!!!
Three Reasons I Like Self-Publishing–But Other Routes Have Merit Too
A year ago I dipped my proverbial toes in the self-publishing waters for the first time. I threw a novella I’d written in a mad dash onto the Kindle scene, quickly followed by one of my novels from my backlist. Since then, the learning curve has been a mountain, and I’ve been wearing those spiky-toed mountain […]
Preorder and #GIVEAWAY Time!
Okay, reading friends. Good times! Here’s a contest in connection with the STRANGE AND LOVELY: PARANORMAL TALES OF THRILLS AND ROMANCE for you! First, here’s the GIVEAWAY! There are a TON of books being given by the TEN authors involved. Freeeeeeebieeeeeees! Who doesn’t love that? Here’s the link (since I STINK at embedding code. Just click […]

Double the Fun~ TWO Cover Reveals!
How does it happen that I have two covers to reveal at the same time? I DON’T KNOW — other than someone else designed these honeys. They are beautiful! I am so impressed. The first is for a triple novel boxed set that THE LOST ART will be included in this fall. It’s called CRAZY SWEET, […]