This morning I sat down with my list of goals called “Stuff I Want to Do in 2014.” When I wrote it a year ago, I didn’t realize what kinds of opportunities and adventures would come my way this year. It made me reflect on some of the super cool unexpected things that happened this year to me as a writer. It’s just wild to think of all the things I’ve had happen.
1) Speaking at Comic Con

Here’s my panel on Japanese etiquette. I was also on the panel about Disney, one on publishing, one on imagination, and one on Back to the Future, baby!
It was quite an experience to attend the Fan-X in Salt Lake City in April. Well, for one, I never dreamed of attending a Comic Con, let alone be asked to sit on four writing panels! Back to the Future, Japanese Culture, Is Disney Relevant to Adults?, and Writing for Young People. My husband went along with me to keep me company (and my cousin Lisa came and sat with me at the booth one day.) I met some really interesting people, and got to sit on those panels with authors who have been my writing idols for years. What an honor! I almost felt like an impostor, a fraud. But there I was. And I can’t believe what a neat chance it was. Plus, seeing all the costumes? Shazam.
2) Having a book optioned for film.
THIS was a dream come true. In September of 2013, I stepped way outside my comfort zone and went to Hollywood to pitch my book to movie producers. Holy scary! But the time and money and courage were worth it because I think I met the perfect person to get behind my project. He really saw the vision of the BIG IN JAPAN book and is working on getting funding and out shopping it to the money people. Cross your fingers and say your prayers for his success. He’s a great guy, and he deserves to have something great happen for his career. And those of you who’ve read BIG might agree that Buck Cooper deserves some time on screen. Call me ego-centric if you must, but this book would honestly be a really good movie.
3) Having another book be considered for film adaptation and being able to hand a copy of the book to the person I dreamed of having star in the movie.
While at that same conference, I met a different producer who loved the concept of SUPER DAISY. He had me revamp it to adapt for screen. It could die on the vine, but whatevs, baby. It’s just fun to get asked to the prom, even if you don’t end up going. Then, at Comic Con, I was able to cross paths with Mallory Everton of Studio C fame and plop a copy of Super Daisy in her hands. She would be the PERFECT Daisy. Ahhhh. Dreams.
4) Being invited to participate in two collaborations
Being part of the Ripples collaboration and writing IMMERSED opened my eyes to a million new possibilities and gave me courage to really branch out in my writing into some fun areas of romantic comedy. The project had such a quick turnaround that I realized a book doesn’t need to take yeeeeeeeears to complete and bring to print. What an awesome thing to realize as a writer. It pumps up the productivity and creativity level to new and exciting heights. I’ve had so much fun writing my own stuff since then. Even if some pet projects keep getting bogged down by plot changes. Ugh. But I believe! And the other project, STRANGE AND LOVELY, was such a great thing, learning and getting to be involved with other authors whose work and success I admire so much. What an honor.
Well, that’s not all the coolness of this year. But I just felt so blessed this morning as I reflected on the coolness. And I have all of you to thank too, as you read my books and supported me and encouraged me. You’re the best part of all of this. A big THANK YOU to you.
Such great things. So happy for you and know there are many more in store!
Thanks, Peggy! You’re awesome. Thanks for all you do for us!