Despite the fact we had no measurable rain in April for the proverbial April showers, May seems to be making the flowers come up in my yard. You should see the snapdragons. They’re glorious. And my husband planted them from seed, which still just dumbfounds me. You know, I think I have never once grown anything from a seed in my life. Maybe I should.
So, with May, which is my favorite month of the year (school gets out, there are lilacs in bloom, the world seems beautiful), I am really excited about all the stuff I have planned.
1) On May 7th I’ll be spending the day at a local high school to discuss with students issues and topics from BIG IN JAPAN. I can’t wait to see what kinds of things they bring up. It always fascinates me to see what things other people take away from writing.
2) On May 9th several other local authors and I will appear at the Business and Professional Women’s Club for an author panel at lunch.
3) There’s going to be a $ – SALE – $ for the e-book of BIG IN JAPAN. If you haven’t got your copy yet to read on your beach trip, loosen up your “add to my cart” button pushers and get ready for the sale. Dates to be announced soon!
4) Later in the month I’ll be doing a giveaway of a copy (I hope a hardcover) of BIG IN JAPAN to one lucky winner on Goodreads. So if you haven’t joined Goodreads yet, now’s a great time. (Forget what I said in my paranoid worry-fest a few days ago. Goodreads is still great! I have hundreds of book reviews on there myself.) And if you want to “friend” me on Goodreads, please do. I’ve been more of a “book adder” on there than a “friend adder,” but I’m not opposed to friends. Let’s be friends.
5) May is also a fun month because a couple of my fellow author friends have books coming out this month or soon, and I’ll be reviewing their novels and interviewing the authors, so watch for that here on this blog.
6) SCHOOL GETS OUT! Yipppeeee! And that means beginning at the end of May I get to have my kids all to myself and we can go camping and to the pool and do jobs and work on goals and all the fun stuff we do every summer with my invention called “Griffith Points.” I love summer vacation. If only it were what Phineas and Ferb claim it to be: a full 104 days. Alas, it’s more like 85. But I can’t wait! (Does this make me sound crazy? Well, maybe, but I do also love the END of the summer when routine returns. So only semi-crazy, I guess.)
You don’t sound crazy!
Good! Because it means I’ll get to spend time with YOU!