Ugh! In my cleaning out of the newspaper pile yesterday I could not find the one paper I was looking for. It was from a couple of weeks ago, and it featured a pic of my friend Heather Tregaskes and I on the front page (in a tiny “look inside” photo) and then on page A2, there we were in a short contributed article.
The event was the meeting of the Safford Business and Professional Women, and they’d invited Heather and me and another author, Debbie Heaton, to come and do a panel discussion about writing and publishing. They bought us lunch (a roast beef sandwich I’ve been craving ever since) and we answered questions from the women there.
Heather is great, by the way. She’s an understated personality, a quality I really admire since I never seem to know when to shut up, and yet her writing is so vivid, so creative and precise, she’s just constantly amazing me. We are in the same writers group and all of us are completely caught up in her current story, just begging her to finish and let us read the whole thing.
Debbie I hadn’t met before, but she writes paranormal romance, her latest (award-winning!) book being The Haunting of Wolf Haven. She’s doing a follow up, another “haunting of” book, too. Nice lady.
It’s nice to meet other authors. It’s also nice to have been invited to meet with the BPW. That’s a good group. They are forever my friends because every Christmas they do a fundraiser for scholarships, and they bring a mountain of boxes of See’s Chocolates to sell here in town (we live pretty far from the nearest See’s.)
Small town life is really good. When you can go to the store and always see someone you know, and people always have a friendly word, there’s something really warm about that. Now that I’ve had the chance to go meet these ladies, I’ll be glad to have more people to say hi to at WalMart or the library.
Even though I can’t find the newspaper article about it, I did take a pic of my own. Many thanks, Safford BPW. It was a delight to meet you all!
Ah, shucks, Jen. Thanks!
I like how I’m leaning toward you. It’s not a full lean, just kind of, like I’m thinking about jumping out of the picture at any moment.
Oh, but you are so cute. 🙂