Lucky You Live Hawaii
Hi, Folks! Ready for a fun guest post by my good friend and fellow author Lehua Parker? Well, she’s got a new book out, ONE SHARK, NO SWIM. It’s a sequel to her completely fun ONE BOY, NO WATER, which I reviewed here when it came out last year. She’s on a roll. And lucky […]
Get Your Hawaii On!
My friend Lehua Parker has her cool Niuhi Shark Saga (installment #1) book called “One Boy No Water” on Kindle for $2.99 today and tomorrow. Grab it before the sale is over! Here’s a link to my interview with Auntie Lehua, and another link to my review, and by the way, she has a really, […]
Guest Blogger: Auntie Lehua!
Get out a frosty drink and put on your flip flops, folks. I have a special Hawaiian treat for you today! My fellow JFP author Lehua Parker is here to guest blog about her new book One Boy No Water, the first installment in the Nihui Shark Saga. (Nihui shark means maneating shark, I do […]

Aunty Lehua’s Book has Docked in Hawaii
Pretty excited for my friend Lehua Parker. Her book One Boy No Water launches today, and right now, as my fingers tap these keys, she’s off signing books at the Barnes and Noble in Layton, Utah. It’s probably really pretty and autumnal there, with colorful leaves, and people are probably wearing sweaters and cool boots […]
Super Blogger Moi
So, even if I don’t add a lot of content to this site this month, I’ve been adding a certain amount of text gravitas to the World Wide Web in general. Need evidence? Check out this list of blogs I’ve been scribbling all over lately. (Many thanks to my publicist Kirk for facilitating the blog […]