My book is officially launching today! Yay!
I know, I know, it’s been available for a couple of weeks so this is a tad bit anticlimactic. But I CELEBRATE NONETHELESS. Humor me.
And in case you’ve forgotten, despite my frequent reminders, here’s the rub about the whole series. Book One (Home Matters by Julie Ford) introduces a character from Book Two (Silver Linings by Kaylee Baldwin), which introduces a character who appears in Book Three (Righting a Wrong by Rachael Renee Anderson), and so on through Karey White’s Lost and Found, and Donna Weaver’s Second Chances 101. Decisions made by the characters in the previous book influence what happens in the next book–not so much that you couldn’t understand the plot if you didn’t read the one before it. They’re all stand-alone novels. But enough to make it FUN.
Hence, the “Ripple Effect” title.
Here’s the cute little blurb describing the whole concept.
IMMERSED by Jennifer Griffith
Lisette Pannebaker speaks five languages and has a brilliant business plan—personal language immersion. Clients can hire her to shadow them and speak all day in any language they need to learn for business or travel—whatever. But there’s a major hitch: she’s far too pretty. Clients with less than honorable intentions sign up just to have Lisette at their side. Solution? A make-under. Way under.
The bad wig, icky makeup and puffy sweaters work like a charm. None of her male clients show her the least bit of interest. Lisette’s totally relieved.
Erik Gunnarson is charming, kind, and smart—everything she’s ever looked for. Every day as his tutor is making her fall for him more. Even though he seems to have a secret, and she’s sworn she’d never date a client, Lisette is tempted to shed her disguise—although it could mean jeopardizing her career.
So, a little about this book. When the ladies asked me to get on board for the collaboration, I was immersed in another project. It was really hard for me to change gears and even think of a plot for a different book. My husband and I went to a conference for his work for a couple of days, while my sweet mother-in-law watched our kids. I was writing day and night like a typing bandit, working on that other book (which wasn’t that good, now that I look back on it.) But in the evenings after his workshops, I got him to help me brainstorm for the Ripple Effect. It was stressing me out!
Until… My husband said, “What if…” and handed me the whole plot. Bless his romantic-comedy-devising heart!
It’s so nice to be married to someone who not only supports my little hobby, but also helps foster it so well. Originally I titled the book “Immersed in Love,” until I realized it was just a step too cheesy, even for me, since I couldn’t say the title without rolling my eyes. But I have to say that it’s a total blessing to be totally immersed in love with a great man like my husband is. Love stories in books are wonderful. But reality, even with all its ups and downs, can be even better. I wish all of you a happy love story today!
Oh, wait. Do you want to buy Immersed? You can! Thank you! Here. It’s available all over the place.
Kindle Nook Kobo As a paperback on Amazon As a paperback on Barnes and Noble
Oh, my heck. I just was linking from Barnes and Noble. I never read reviews. Too scary. But I did glance at one, just for all of you. (You’re welcome. Even though it feels like entering the lions’ den!) But it was so nice! Here are some of the sweet lines:
“You couldn’t have ended the Ripple Effect series than with this remarkable story. … It’s such a sigh-worthy story line. What woman doesn’t want to be seen for who she really is and not just her appearance?”
And I loved her last paragraph, with the words of wisdom. (And she’s so kind to praise my writing of this fluffy little piece of candy for our souls.)
“Jennifer Griffith is such a gifted and outstanding author to create an exquisite romance that doesn’t even start out as a love story in any sense of the word. This emotional ride was a tear jerker in some places while in others I found myself walking on cloud nine. I was so sad to see it end, but I was so ready for what might come next. We all dream of a happy ending, but no matter how our story ends, we all have to make choices along the way. I hope that you make good ones that will bring you a life filled with love, hope, and never-ending joy.”
Bless you, whoever you are, Shadowplay4U. I wish YOU a life with love and hope too! You made my day! Mmmwah!
Wonderful post and a wonderful story. I loved it and your twist.
So glad your hubby is supportive. Mine is too. Without him I think I woukd quit.