Official Launch of a New Romantic Comedy
My book is officially launching today! Yay! I know, I know, it’s been available for a couple of weeks so this is a tad bit anticlimactic. But I CELEBRATE NONETHELESS. Humor me. And in case you’ve forgotten, despite my frequent reminders, here’s the rub about the whole series. Book One (Home Matters by Julie Ford) […]
Drum Roll, Please…. Book 2 of the Ripple Effect Romance is UP!
It’s really starting to make waves–er, ripples– now, this Ripple series. We’re on book two already! SILVER LININGS by Kaylee Baldwin. I read an advance copy of this book last week, and, ladies, I tell you, it’s lovely. The characters are just the sweetest. You met Drew Westfall in book one, Home Matters by Julie N. Ford. Now, […]

Why February in Phoenix Was the Place to Be
I just returned night before last from the annual ANWA Conference in Phoenix. This is my fifth or sixth year to attend, and I have to reiterate that in February, Phoenix is the place to be. I’m telling you, the weather was fantastic. All you suckas stuck in the snow who opted out of the […]