Saints and Sinners: Author Interview
Hi, friends. If you’re a neighbor of mine and you love books set in places you know very well, you’re in for a treat today. Virgil Alexander has written a second book set in the Gila Valley of Arizona. He’s a history buff, and this bit of desert is one of the great loves of […]

Interview: The Brothers Washburn
I had a chance to interview Andy and Berk Washburn, the brain trust behind PITCH GREEN, the newest release from Jolly Fish Press. I reviewed PITCH GREEN here. If you like a good, spine-tingling read, these guys have a story for YOU! First off, do you go camping? If so, which of you tells […]

Meet Adrienne Monson, Newly Minted Author!
Today I’m interviewing Adrienne Monson, author of the just-out-this-weekend newest-vampire-novel-on-the-shelves DISSENSION. She’s a cool chick with the most gorgeously stunning auburn hair you’ll ever see, and I appreciate her taking time to answer all my questions. First off, the most important question: do you snack when you write? If so, on what? (Don’t say blood.) How’d […]

Guest Blogging Over at R.K. Grow’s Site!
Social media is pretty amazing. We meet people from all over the world–and we never leave the comfort of our pajamas! (And they don’t know we’re in our pajamas. I assume everyone thinks of me blogging in my ball gown with my tiara.) Recently I met via Twitter a really fun fellow writer, Rebekah Grow. […]

On Saturday I was in Utah for family things and Jolly Fish Press’s super fun staff snagged me and brought me in to the Provo Library after hours. We did an author interview they videoed and will be putting on the book’s website. Interview! The questions were fun, like what’s sumo all about, and what’s […]