Asked & Answered

Winter Romance Free-For-All (36 Books, $50 Prize)

Winter Romance Free-For-All (36 Books, $50 Prize)

I couldn’t pass up the chance to tell you about this Winter Romance Free-For-All deal! $50 prize, and 36 free clean romances to check out. Pick one or pick them all. My book, Asked & Answered is available for a limited time for free in this promo. Download it and start the Legally in Love […]

Well, This is Awesome: $50 Gift Card

Well, This is Awesome: $50 Gift Card

It’s FALL! Time to curl up on your autumn sofa with a steaming cup and escape! If you’re a romance reader, and you want to find a new author to love but you don’t want to expend much RISK, here’s an awesome author cross-promo I joined. It’s called… FALLING IN LOVE! I, personally, can easily […]

Books Get Facelifts, Too

Books Get Facelifts, Too

To go along with being age 45, I have had to switch to moisturizer with Retinol in it to stave off some of the wrinkles. It’s working surprisingly well. A huge thank you shout-out to skin science geniuses. Meanwhile, to go along with the release of Wills & Trust next Monday, all the books in […]

Giveaway! Win *THREE* Paperbacks in the Legally in Love Series!

To celebrate the release of LEGALLY WEDDED, there’s a massive giveaway going on. Enter to win ALL THREE books in the Legally in Love series, and be among the first to read LEGALLY WEDDED, a super fun romance that will keep you glued to your book. Enter! Tell your friends! Win! Goodreads Book Giveaway Legally […]

Immerse in Listening to Immersed on Audio!

Everything Hits at Once

Am I right? Does it seem like life comes in waves, where there’s nothing, nothing, nothing for a while, and then BAM! you’re over your head? I kind of felt like that in a bad way from March until September, but I won’t go into it or I’ll sound like a whiner. No whiners! I […]

A Quarter of a Million Words, and I’m Still Feeling Like a Slacker?

October is almost over. I can’t believe how crazy it’s been. When it started, I had pie in the sky plans for finishing my third Legally in Love novel, and I was off to a running start, about 45,000 words in ten days. Yay! And then… for the next three weeks, not even 100 words […]