Contest for a Free Paperback
WINNING THE CONTEST Once when I was in high school, I entered a contest to win free “glamour shots.” To my parents’ dismay, I won and went to collect my prize. At the last minute on a whim, I took my two younger sisters with me to the local Fred Meyer. We let the photographers do […]
The Perils of Self-Publishing
TLDR: If you are one of those early readers who got an uncorrected copy of Wills & Trust with the glitches in chapter one and near the end, you can go into your Kindle account and download the more updated file. Risk versus reward. They say the higher the risk, the greater the chance of […]

Books Get Facelifts, Too
To go along with being age 45, I have had to switch to moisturizer with Retinol in it to stave off some of the wrinkles. It’s working surprisingly well. A huge thank you shout-out to skin science geniuses. Meanwhile, to go along with the release of Wills & Trust next Monday, all the books in […]
Huge Thanks to ARC Reviewers
A big shout-out of thanks to my wonderful review crew. Wills & Trust launches on Monday, July 31, and with the help of all these amazing reviewers, it’s on track to get a strong launch on the charts, and thereby to reach more readers. I really do have encouraging friends and incredibly supportive readers. A virtual hug […]